茂千代 New EP - Sir Owl

茂千代 - Sir Owl

どもっ!! Matsuyamaっす~~!!

( Hi!! I'm Matsuyama~~ !! )


少し時間差になってしまいますが、先月の末、10月24日に茂千代君のNew EP "Sir Owl"がリリースされました!!

( I was late this news. Shigechiyo's new EP of "Sir Owl" was released on October 24th last month!! )



( It is one years since DJ Kensaw died.  Probably He was waiting this new works for a long time!! )


1曲目、間違いないDJ Sooma君のBeatに始まり、残りの4曲はもちろんKensawsんのBeat!!

( The first track, DJ Sooma's dope beats. Of course, The remaining 4beats are kensaw's works!! )


誰も真似する事のできないKensawさんのオリジナルサウンド!! 度が付くほどブッちょいベースの上で、ひたすら繰り返されるドシブなループ!!

( These sounds is kensaw original. No one can imitate it!! Dope loop sounds is repeated on the super deep bass!! )


Kensawさん!! そして全リスナーに向けて書かれた魂の籠った茂千代君のRap!!

( The soulful rap was written by Shigechiyo for Kensaw and all listener!! )



(I would like to you to feel it!! )



( I could help this works by recoding and mixing!! Thankful a lot!! )



( I'm great that I was involved in this the best works!! )



( I have to work hard as well.... )

S.T.A. Music Store → Check!!

If there are any incorrect English sentence, Please fix them by comment!!


Thank You~~!!