MPC Software 2.0 Upgrade

どもっ!!  Matsuyamaっす~~!!

( Hi!! I'm Matsuyama~~!! )


遂に来ましたね~~ "MPC Software 2.0 Upgrade" !!

( Finally... MPC Software 2.0 is available for upgrade!! )


今までは、先日発売になった MPC X, MPC Live, そせて MPC Touch のユーザーの人しか使う事が出来なかったっす。

( This Software was only can used by MPC X, MPC Live and MPC Touch user until now. )


でもAKAIのホームページには、MPC Studioも使えるようになると、、、一体いつになるのか、、、

( But, AKAI web wrote that this software will be able to use by MPC Studio...When will this be available... )


AKAIのUSのカスタマーサポートに問い合わせても、"まだ未定" との返事。。。

( I contacted to AKAI customer support. but They answered me "It is still unknown" ... )


早く使いたくて、MPC Liveを本気で買おうか悩んでいた最中のこのニュース!!

( I want to use it, So I was really thinking that I will buy a MPC LIVE. But I heard this good news!! )



( Finally It available!! )



( I think I will try to do upgrade to a MPC Software 2.0!! )



( I expect that making the beats to be more fun than ever... )



( I look forward to it🎵 )

AKAI Professional → Check!!

If there are any incorrect English sentence, Please fix them by comment!!


Thank You~~!!