Front Liners / The Dorcus Night @circus

Front Liners, The Dorcus Night
Front Liners, Video Premiere


( Hi!! )


先日の9日の土曜日、アメリカ村の "Circus" さんの方で "The Dorcus Night" が行われました!!

(The Dorcus Night was held at Circus in Americamura on Saturday June 9!! )



( Before that, The video premiere of dorcus's video work was held!! It will be released soon!! )


こちらの映像作品の方には自分も音で色々と参加させて頂いております!! 是非チェックして頂きたいっす!!

( I took part in this works by sound and engineer!! Please check it out!! )


そちらの試写会には残念ながら行けなかったんですが、その後のDorcus Nightの方ではDJをさせて頂きました。

( I couldn't go to it. But I played dj at Dorcus Night after that!! )



( I played dj for the first time in the while. so I was nervous.... )


でも、結果凄く楽しませて頂きました!! Circusさんの音も良くて、自分のビートも何曲か流したんですが、凄くいい鳴りだったので、満足っす!!

 ( But I really enjoyed!! Circus's sound is very nice. so My beats sounded so good!! I was satisfied!! )


茂千代君のLiveも最高だったし、Spin Master A-1さんのDJもガン上がりでした!!

( Shigechiyo's live was awesome!! Spin Master A-1's too!! )



( Thanks for booking me!! In addition, Congratulations on 30th anniversary Venix san!! )



( It was a day that I was able to feel Venix san and all skater's power!! )



( It was the best night... )

Dorcus-tbs, Front Liners

Dorcus-tbs → Check!!

Thank you~~!!