Beat Live with SP-404SX at L’ATELIER DE ○


( Hi!! )


先日、三重県の津市の方にある "L’ATELIER DE ○ (アトリエマル)" さんの方にお邪魔してきました。

( The other day, I went to the L’ATELIER DE ○ in Tsu city, Mie, Japan. )


SNSを通じてメッセージを頂いいて、ビートメイキング の撮影をと言う事で、MPC LIVEとSP-404SXを持って行って参りました。

( I received message with SNS. It was written that he want to make a movie for making beats. So I went to there with MPC LIVE & SP-404SX. )



( It is run by a couple. The husband use to play DJ and The wife use to study for movie in China. Their met there. )



( Their are so creative couple, It's so nice!! )



( This studio is a renovation of a part of the house. It's so nice studio!! )



( There was also a lot of movie equipment. )



( They taught me a lot of knowledge about cinematography techniques. )



( After making beats, I had a beat live video made with SP-404SX. Please check it out.)


また別でビートメイキング の映像もUP予定なので、そちらも是非!!

( And Making beats movie...Coming Soon!! )



L’ATELIER DE ○ (アトリエマル) → Check!!



Thank you~~!!