Dorcus-tbs Brand New Clips [続・FRONT LINERS -photogenic series promo-]


( Hi!! )


つい先日、"Dorcus" さんからまたもやNew Clipsが投下されました!!

( Just the other day, New clips of skate was released from Dorcus!! )


スパンがはやいっすね〜!! さすがVENIXさんっす!!

( He works very fast!! That's Venix san!! )



( The other day, Signature Model of three dorcus's rider was released for dorcus. This movie is promotion video of their!!)


今回の映像では、以前発売された7inch Single "Skater's Delight Feat. BASI" のインストのRemix バージョンを使って頂いております!!

( The remix version of instrumental of before released my 7inchi single "Skater's Delight Feat. BASI" is used in this movie!!

Thank s for using my sound!! )



( Please enjoy this dope skate movie and my sound!! )



( Please check it out!! )

Dorcus-tbs → Check!!



Thank you~~!!